Week 1 |
Symplectic manifolds - basic definitions and examples. Symplectic linear algebra.
Class notes.
Week 2 |
More symplectic linear algebra - symplectic group, complex structures.
Class notes.
Week 3 |
Moser trick, Darboux's Theorem, Weinstein's Neighborhood Theorem.
Class notes.
Week 4 |
Symplectic reduction.
Class notes.
Week 5 |
Symplectic capacities, Gromov nonsqueezing theorem. For weeks 5-8, we followed Hofer-Zehnder, chapters 2 and 3.
Week 6 |
More on symplectic capacities, definition of the Hofer-Zehnder capacity.
Week 7 |
Existence of symplectic capacities: proof of Hofer-Zehnder capacity part I.
Week 8 |
Existence of symplectic capacities: proof of Hofer-Zehnder capacity part II.
Week 9 |
Applications: existence of closed characteristics.
Class notes.
Week 10 |
Morse homology.
Class notes.