Weekly contents.

Week 1 Symplectic manifolds - basic definitions and examples. Symplectic linear algebra. Class notes.
Week 2 More symplectic linear algebra - symplectic group, complex structures. Class notes.
Week 3 Moser trick, Darboux's Theorem, Weinstein's Neighborhood Theorem. Class notes.
Week 4 Symplectic reduction. Class notes.
Week 5 Symplectic capacities, Gromov nonsqueezing theorem. For weeks 5-8, we followed Hofer-Zehnder, chapters 2 and 3.
Week 6 More on symplectic capacities, definition of the Hofer-Zehnder capacity.
Week 7 Existence of symplectic capacities: proof of Hofer-Zehnder capacity part I.
Week 8 Existence of symplectic capacities: proof of Hofer-Zehnder capacity part II.
Week 9 Applications: existence of closed characteristics. Class notes.
Week 10 Morse homology. Class notes.

Exercise sheets.

Exercise Sheet 1. Class notes.
Exercise Sheet 2. Solutions.
Exercise Sheet 3. Class notes.
Exercise Sheet 4. Class notes.
Exercise Sheet 5. Class notes.
Exercise Sheet 6. Algebraic topology review (optional) Class notes.
Exercise Sheet 7. Class notes.
Exercise Sheet 8. Class notes.
Exercise Sheet 9. Class notes.